
18 04 2010

Life has been crazy.  I have been getting ready to move to a new state, we are now two weeks away and so there has been a lot of house cleaning, moving, and packing going on in my home . Which is great cause I am getting over and above my normal exercise on some days, but on others I am so exhausted I can barely get my body to move out of bed.  OH and the aches and pains.  Well, you get the point.  At any rate, believe it or not I am losing weight.  I was so excited when I got on the scale in the morning and saw that I am down to 139.0.  I am starting to wonder if blogging is helping or hurting my situation.  It’s hard to put yourself out there and try to lose a lot of weight only to find that you are losing inches.  However, I think that some of the adjustments I made this week of focusing on increasing my cardio has really helped.

So now it begins, p90x here I come.

As we speak I am debating on going out for a walk or if I should start doing my p90x. OH yeah, I’m giving into the hype.  I have a friend who has given us access to the recordings and my husband and I are going to give it a shot. I have a wedding to go to on May 15th and I would really like to not only fit into one of my old dresses but also feel good in it.  That means I have a little less than a month to get closer to my goal weight, which means I have to lose at the very least 2 lbs a week.  The week before we move I have some traveling I have to do so I am going to have to be strategic about getting in my workouts and then the week we move, I don’t know what kind of set up I’ll have so again, I”ll have to be a bit more strategic.  It’s more my diet that I am concerned about when I travel.  I’ll be working and it’s not easy for me to take snack breaks during the day so I’ll have to make sure I am making good higher calorie, high protein options.



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