About Me

4 weeks into my diet and exercise.

Hi! My name is Dawn Owens and I am 35 years old living in Hamilton, OH.  I am married (6 years May 1, 2010) and have one child names Sawyer born on August 6, 2009.  I started this blog to share my experience with losing my pregnancy weight in the hopes of possibly encouraging or inspiring other mom’s out there to do the same.  My way won’t be perfect and I am sure I’ll get some things wrong, but it’s a journey and I thought it might be worth sharing.

I’ve always struggled with my weight.  Since I was a child it’s fluctuated depending on my eating habits and how active I was at the time.  I know what it feels like to have too much weight on and to be at a goal weight but still wanting to get more toned.  I believe if I do what it takes, I can take this weight off and feel better about myself.

My tools will be: Exercise TV, FoodNetwork Healthy recipes, and anything else that someone suggests to me a long the way…that of course, helps me get healthy and stay fit.

Here is a picture of me out for a walk 5 days after I gave birth to my son, I had weighed around 155 lbs.

5 days after delivery

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