Tired, very tired

29 03 2010

I went to bed too late last night and 4:50am came way to early.  By body still ached a bit from my weekend work out so I decided to do yoga, 45 minutes of beginner’s yoga.  It was still quite the workout for me but my body feels much better.  I was fighting to keep my eyes open as I drove to work today.  It was pouring down rain and I gotta be honest, it was a bit scary.

I’m going to restart my hardcore workout again tomorrow, probably start with Jackie Warner again.  I really enjoy that workout because when I am done with it I feel stronger and leaner.

I’ve been doing really well with my diet.  I know I haven’t reported much on it but I am starting to hit that 60/20/20 mark a bit better than I have in the past.  I’ve really had to increase my protein intake to make it happen.  So what they looks like for me, typical meals throughout the day is something like this:

Fruit smoothie (organic yogurt, strawberries, blueberries, ice, water, scoop of protein)
Mid Morning meal
4 egg whites
3 pieces of turkey bacon
1 slice of Ezekiel bread
chicken/lean beef burger(10% fat)/pork chop/ground turkey/tuna
veggie and/or brown rice
salad with protein
Mid Afternoon meal
tuna with organic mayo
hummus with low carb veggie (cucumber/tomato/celery)
lean meat
lean meat
brown rice

My snacks consist of:  almonds, veggie sticks, carrots, celery, peanut butter, Laughing Cow cheese
Dessert: Low carb ice cream, skinny cow sandwich

I am usually anywhere between 1100-1400 calories a day.  Once you start getting into the groove it really isn’t too difficult.

Tip: I have found that preparing my food the night before can be really helpful.  For instance, I’ll peel my eggs and take out the yolks and put them in a tupperware container, get my lunches ready, and if I need to decide on dinner, I’ll take something out of the freezer to thaw, if not already thawed.  It can be extremely helpful for me, especially the mornings that I am running a bit late.

Speaking of, my routine is shifting a bit again.  Sawyer is starting to sleep until 8-8:30am so we have decided that I am not going to get him up in the mornings to feed him anymore.  My husband will get up with him.  This way I can work out for 4o minutes a day and not have to rush to get myself breakfast, showered, and the dogs fed.  I think I’m going to miss that time with Sawyer in the morning, but it will help me with not feeling so rushed in the morning.

Routine Revised

3 03 2010

It happened again today.

Sawyer got up at 4:54am and was wet and ready to eat.  I think it may be because we are putting him down a bit earlier at night.  Today, I was ready for him though.  I got him changed, fed him breakfast and got him back into bed all by 5:30.  I then found a yoga program to do today on ExerciseTV.  It was taught by Shiva Rae who is apparently a professional yoga trainer.  The program was said to be geared towards beginners and an overview of how to do yoga.

It was definitely different.  There was a voice over of her while she did the various yoga moves.  After I got over that, I was able to concentrate (somewhat) on the moves themselves.  What I found most difficult about it was the way my living room is configured.  It did not allow me to always be looking a the TV once I found myself in a yoga pose.  I also found the voice over difficult to follow at times, and so I wasn’t quite as relaxed as I probably should have been by the time I was done.  Oh well.

After I showered, I grabbed a quick breakfast and was out the door.  By the time I got to work, I was so tired I felt the need to grab some coffee from the kitchen.  I went for the good stuff:  a Latvia latte for 46 calories. I realized later that was 46 empty calories that I hoped didn’t bite me in the butt later in the day. But it was good!

egg bagel toasted (150 calories)
1 tbsp salmon cream cheese (45 calories)
1/2 c of lite chocolate soy milk (45 calories)

Mid-morning snack:
cappuccino latte (46 calories)
almonds (100 calorie pack)

Leftovers from last night
1/2 tilapia filet (45 calories)
1/2 sweet potato (90 calories)
Entenman’s multi-grain cereal bar, chocolate chip (150 calories)

As you may have noticed my mid-morning snack was not as hefty as it normally is.  I went from one meeting to the next and had no time to make my english muffin and peanut butter so I grabbed what I could from my purse.

Tip: Always have healthy snacks in your purse, diaper bag, or gym back so you aren’t tempted to purchase something from the vending machine, grab something from the kitchen at work, or head to a fast food or gas station.