Oh, Sawyer

2 03 2010

It was a rough start to a morning.

Sawyer woke me up before my alarm at 4:54am.  Close enough, right?  I thought it was a blessing in disguise.  Usually when he wakes up that early it’s because he realizes he lost his pacifier and if I pop it back in his mouth he’s off to sleep again. I tried that this morning and went to the living room to turn on Exercise TV.  Found out very quickly that “On Demand” was not working today.  Great.  Good thing I picked up the 30 day shred DVD.  My husband had worked out to it the day before (I’m starting to rub off on him) so it was ready for me in the Xbox.  I got almost all the way through it before Sawyer started having a fit.  Apparently he decided he was hungry at 5:30 in the morning.

I was really tempted to wake up my husband and have him take care of him so that I could finish working out, but the good wife that I am, I instead paused my video and got him up.  Poor guy was soaked down the front, so I did a quick diaper change and brought him into the kitchen.  He was a needy little fellow this morning, so with one arm I made his bottle and his oatmeal with peaches.

Sawyer’s Breakfast:
4 oz. bottle
1 tbsp of oatmeal and a tbsp of peaches

Note: Better to feed starving baby then to wake a grumpy husband.

Once Sawyer was fed I put him back down to sleep and I went back to my DVD to finish up my workout.  I figured better to complete it then not to do it at all.  The workout went pretty well today.  I feel like I am starting to conquer level 1 of this DVD.  It’s split into 3 levels if I haven’t mentioned that before.  I am considering moving to level 2 this week. I did have some pain in my sciatic nerve again, but I pushed through cause Jillian told me I was strong and I could do this!

After my workout, I made myself some oatmeal and a couple of turkey sausage links.

My breakfast:
1/2 c. oatmeal with a cap full of vanilla, 1 packet of sweet n low, some cinnamon sprinkled on top and some milk poured on top.  (180 calories)
3 turkey sausage links  (110 calories)
Large glass of water

I couldn’t believe it, on the way to work I started feeling hungry again.  I’ve always heard it said that you should eat some oatmeal in the morning and it’ll stick to you longer.  My oatmeal apparently wasn’t sticky enough so I popped a piece of gum in my mouth in the hopes of my hunger pains disappearing.  It totally took my mind off my hunger and it wasn’t until about 10am that I realized it was time for a mid-morning snack and time to spit out the gum that had now hardened in my mouth.

Mid-morning snack:
1 english muffin (100 calories)
2 tbsp of peanut butter (140 calories)
glass of water

Around 11:30am I started feeling hungry again so I finished what I was working on and started making myself some lunch.

left over whole wheat pasta from night before
salad from two days ago
glass of water

No idea the calories, my guess: around 200 for the pasta and another 100-150 for the salad.

Tip: Don’t waste your food, eat your leftovers until you can’t eat them anymore.  Then make sure you make less the next time you cook that meal. I always try to eat my leftovers the very next day, cause if I don’t I more than likely never will.

So now I have another couple of hours of work to get through.  Sometimes it feels like I go from one meal to another.  I need to figure out how I break the cycle of dreaming of my next meal.  There has got to be more to life.