A good weekend

28 03 2010

I had a good weekend.  Sawyer and I hung out the two of us as my husband went hiking and camping with a friend.  I got up with Sawyer yesterday, fed him, fed me and then put him back down for a nap.  I worked out to Jackie Warner again and then got a shower.  We were going to head out with friends to shop and go to church.  I was a bit early in getting ready to so i did some cleaning.

One thing that I found, now that I am working out more is that I am more active and want to be more active.  Where I used to long to just lay on the sofa and chill out, now I feel like I should be up and doing something.  We walked around the outlets yesterday, then took some time to shop at Sam’s club.  I got some jumbo sized eggs, a large package of chicken, a large package of lean meat only 10% fat, and a large package of strawberries.  I still need to head to the grocery today and grab some smaller items but it was great to pick up some things in bulk that I know I”ll need throughout the month.  When we got home last night we made some bbq chicken, sweet potato fries, and green beans.

Did you know? BBQ sauce only has 16g of carbs in 2 tbsps.  Put the 2 tbsps in a bowl and it will be enough for three large breasts of chicken.  The majority of it burns off so it’s actually a fairly healthy condiment to use when cooking.

I just did my measurements and I came in at a loss of 8 inches.  Down 4 inches from last week.  It was kind of disappointing, but I have to remember that I did lose 2.2 lbs this week.  It’s all in perspective.  I also have to keep in mind that I took off two days this week, rather than 1.  So I’ll just have to kick it into high gear this week.  Though, I do have to share that I am a bit nervous.  We head to my in-laws this weekend and I am not sure how well I am going to be able to keep to my diet and/or workout.  I am going to do everything I possibly can to be successful but I may have some items working against me.  We’ll just have to wait and see.



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