Temptation derailed

26 03 2010

I did it.  I squeezed my butt into a size 6 today.  It’s casual day at work so I tried on a pair of jeans…Diva’s from Old Navy.  They fit.  They are a little tight, but they fit!  I was SO excited.  It was totally the motivation I need to fight the temptation that is sitting right in front of my desk.  Someone in my office decided to have a bake sale today and it’s sitting right in front of me.  All I can smell is chocolate chip cookies, one of my all time favorites.  I know it’s for a good cause (Cystic Fibrosis), but geeze, do I have to smell and look at it all day long.   Thank goodness there is a company meeting today (did I just say that) so that I don’t have to sit and smell this for the whole afternoon.

I slept in today.  I was a very bad girl and when my alarm went off I decided cuddling in bed with the hubby was more important…he’s going camping this weekend, can you blame me?  So I didn’t get out of bed until 5:17am and at that point I didn’t have enough time to get myself up, exercise, prepare my meals for the day, shower, and get out of the door in time to get to work by 8am.  I am thinking that I may exercise tonight since it’ll just be me and Sawyer anyway. 

We went out to dinner last night and I was feeling a bit anxious about my meal.  OH MY GOSH!!!  I almost forgot that I didn’t blog yesterday and haven’t shared with you that I lost another 2.2 lbs.  Wow.  How quickly I have forgotten my most exciting news.  My sincerest apologies.  I am now 7 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight and 17 lbs away from where I would like to be.  To be honest, I am not even so concerned anymore about my goal weight as I am about what my body looks like.  If I am fit and tone and eating healthy at 130 lbs I am going to be quite happy about that. 

My tip for today is concerning going out to eat.  I have been thinking a lot about this as I have been requested to eat out with friends quite a few times this past week and in some ways it has caused me some anxiety.   But now I realize it was not needed.  So I have a few suggestions for you.

1. Plan ahead
Before I went out to eat I checked the restaurant websites so that I could research what I could and could not eat. Most restaurants have nutrition guides that they have to offer, by law. If they are not available on their website you could always call and ask.

2. Search for protein options
I always scan the menu for protein options, trying to find what chicken, turkey, or pork might be on the menu. Just keep in mind that you are going to have to make some modifications.

3. Accept that you will need to make modifications
Honestly, I have just gotten over the fact that I am going to be a high maintenance customer when I go to a restaurant. I tell the server up front that I need to make some modifications and I am sorry if this is an issue. They are usually very accommodating. Remember they are earning their tip with you sitting at their table. So go into knowing you will have to make modifications because they didn’t make the menu for people like us who are trying to watch their weight and eat healthy.  Last night I had a chicken sandwhich, well, that was what I ordered.  But what I ate was a chicken breast with grilled onions, tomato and a couple of slices of pickle.  I ordered steamed broccoli to replace my fries.

4. Be careful of salads
Not all salads are made equal and not all salads are good for you either. Lettuce is always a good filler for a salad, however, all of the fruits and veggies that they can load up on the salad can increase your carbs fairly quickly. Cheese isn’t all bad, but you want to make sure you are sticking to the white cheeses and only in moderation. Croutons, sesame sticks, wonton strips will all add huge to the carb count. And then of course there is the salad dressing. I often try to stick with a balsamic vinegar, red wine vinegar or if I have no other options, I ask for it on the side and I will stick my fork in the dressing and then in my salad and eat it that way. You might also try lemon or salsa as salad toppers. make sure you are eating protein with your salad.  Salad in and of itself does not have much protein, so make sure you get chicken, salmon,  or shrimp on top. And of course, go with a grilled or baked option rather than fried.

5. Enjoy what you got
Don’t be concerned with what other people are eating. Remember how healthy your option is, keep your goal in mind, and remember that some day you may be able to enjoy that bread or a couple of fries again, but for now, you need to whole off because it’s the best decision you can make for your body that day. It’s easy to look around the table and wish you could eat that burger or pizza or whatever. Savor each bite and if you need to focus only on your plate. By the time you are done, you’ll be full and not even care about what anyone else consumed.

I hope these tips help you out and subside any fears you might have about eating out. You can do it and your body will thank you for it.



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