A Better Day

23 03 2010

I realized this morning what I should have named my last blog post. “Pity Party…table for one.” Lol. That would have been completely appropriate for the venting, no more like whining I did in that last post. It’s a good thing today is a new day. I am feeling much better.

Tip: Better to have one day of venting than to give up. I promised myself that when I started this blog that I would be honest and I think yesterday’s blog post showed that this is not easy. There will be good days and bad days, but if I stick with it I will get to reap the rewards.

I woke up at 4:50am this morning got myself up and found a new Exercise TV trainer to work out with. Jackie Warner. She has her own exercise program on Bravo TV apparently and she helps the celebs workout.  So I am totally ready for the red carpet after her workout today.  Okay, maybe not. But I am getting there.  She mixes strength with some low impact cardio and it was a great workout. I’ll probably do it again.

I made myself a smoothie for breakfast this morning, got a shower and went to the closet to find myself some clothes.  I think I am in a size 8 at this point, though I only have 1 pair of pants in that size.  In the hopes of not having to wear yet another pair of maternity pants, I went searching.  I found a pair of cropped khaki’s that looked like a larger 6 and put them on.  They looked great.  I was so excited I almost yelped out loud.  But kept it quite, not to disturb my sleeping husband. Who by they way, got some kind of stomach bug yesterday and lost 2 lbs.  Ridiculous!

However, before you start rejoicing with me, I soon learned when I went to the bathroom that my pants had small print.  “Maternity” was written right under my Old Navy label.  Great.  So not a real size 6.  But I am loving wearing these pants today because they feel great. And if they feel great, I feel great and so it’s a good thing, right?

Work was busy this morning so I didnt’ get a chance to eat my mid-morning snack.  I’m munching on lunch right now of tuna with some organic mayo, egg whites, and some brown rice chips.  I have to make sure I eat enough calories today since I did a hard-core workout this morning.  It was a 40 minute program.

Blackberry smoothie (271 calories)
1 c. organic yogurt
1/2 c of blackberries
1 scoop of protein mix
Side note: Blackberries were okay, but I am going to try out strawberries next time. This also makes a pretty large smoothie, but it kept me filled up almost until lunch.

15 almonds (100 calories)

tuna (109 calories)
1 tbsp. organic mayo (35 calories)
4 boiled egg whites (67 calories)
brown rice snaps (60 calories)



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